Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

A character re-write

April 21, 2010

Name: Jason Todd
Code name: Red Robin
Age: 16
Bio: After his parents left him on the streets he was taken in by Batman after he tried stealing the batmobile and was trained to become the next sidekick. Has been left in charge since Batman has left
Image or description:
Powers: None
Abilties: excellent staff fighter, gymast, martial artist
Weapons: Utility belt and battle staff (uses it like a sword)
Other: Tends to be very violent.

Just a re-write of infamous Robin Jason Todd I used for an old RP.

I can’t decide..on this one subject

March 7, 2010

I know it’s been a long time since i’ve posted and i’ve probaly had one or two people glance at it since it’s creation but i’ve decided I need the Internet users of the worlds help.

For my FMP (Final Major Project) I’m doing magazine focuisng on Comics,Anime and Manga and SCFI. I have few feature ready for comic and anime and manga but i’ve drawn a blank for SCFI. So I decided to do a profile artilce on a character but i’m stuck between Snake Eyes from G.I Joe and Optimous Prime from Transformers. So since the theme of my magazine is give the readers a voice I decided to come up a poll to see who choose which. I will also use the results from here to be totalled up from results from popular role playing website Gaia online.

So many subjects can I come up with a clever name for this entry ?

December 17, 2009

So to fall back on an old post i’m going to whine about reality tv. I’ve just suddenly realised that the consitentantly funny My name is Earl had been abruptly canceled with no reason on an irritating cliff hanger. So while skilled actors find themselfs out the job and I loose something to do mid year at 9 oclock whilst wacthing E4 I find reality gunk from the US is imported and coutinues to clog of the listings. I mean what season is Beauty and the Geek on ? and for the same fixed OTT ending. Even thouh Channel 4 has finally got the message that no one wants to wacth Big Brother or Wifeswap the US TV networks seems to persist. I mean surely the US like us UKians (fingers crossed that’ll cacth on ) who share my theories are sick of yearly singing contests like X factor and Amercian Idol.

So from my post yesterday when I decided to go any pursue such an intellectual activity of wacthing the short live Avengers cartoon (comic not cult tv show) which is the weakest and toyeitic of the Marvel animated universe. I only attempted to wacth it again as I more interested in Caps guest star which to be far was waay to cheesy and short, sprouting cliche one liners and be that nice cheerful guy that undermines the current leader.

Anyways on the subject of animation and superheros i’ve been enjoying the latest incarnation of Capcom’s mascott Megaman known as Megaman Star force in which young Geo Stellar is merged with an alien from the planet FM named Omegesis on the run with an ultimate weapon, together they are the new superhero Megaman defending Earth against the evil FMians. Ok it suffers from filler build up, but it’s good stuff with great action scenes and good layered writing with promosing future plots. Plus again it’s great characers design. It carries a lot of themes like viruses from NT warrior and one young kids out-witting their dim witted elders and using strange yet green methods to move around like scooter and skates. Like any anime it has a few episodes for character development and set the line before the hero takes a fall and comes back ten times as awesome.

Hmm what could I post ?

December 3, 2009

It’s been a long time since my last post as college and various over adventures have consumed my life so this is a mix post I guess.

First of I want to speculate at how it seems all reality tv seems to getting its long deserved wipeout, with the resounding words Big Brother is drawing to it’s final series as it seems to last longer and longer every year but finally the last few loyal fans have given up on it. While it seems favourites like the X-factor with the hole Jedward affair has opened peoples eyes to the usual manipulation of the production team in shows like these. It might be time to invest all the funding into a decent Saturday tv show which isn’t camp or slowly getting stale, since Merlyns dragged along acting as filler between the tumiphant return of Doctor Who, i’m looking for a show on TV on Saturday which isn’t predictable and doesn’t feel like someones wacthed to many predictable American TV shows. Primeval was good until the monster a week theme wore it self out. On a lighter note I miss Robin Hood, it was a little tame but that was the time slot but the stories weren’t to worn of formatted.

Now onto music, while on my long surfs of Facebook I came along the latest Lady GaGa song ‘Christmas tree’, in the first second I expected another disco demented beat but was shocked to find so much inuendeo it was blantely obvious. Despite being a good song it’s so morally wrong and seems to defeat the family point of christmas.

Now just currently i’ve swicthed over to the Daily Show with Jon Stewart time for some culture as all i’ve seen to have wacthed on my four day weekend (jealous ?, well don’t be all I did mostly was battle through coursework) is the small bank of Dragon Ball Z movies set among which was were supposedly set in alternate scenarios (for most of them), ok Akira Toriyama has skill with writing long enthralling journies of hyper violent fairy tales so crammming an entire arc into under an hour or so is a struggle for a writer like him so aspects of the story are neglected, but of course the fight scenes make up for all it’s falllings..

So I solved the posting thing…

A test

November 4, 2009



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