Archive for October, 2009

Tell no one: The review you shouldn’t tell anyone about

October 27, 2009

Ok during a special school film week our group was invited to see the mind expnading film ‘Tell no lies’. Ok as first I was expecting a dull love film with clever cerebal aspects but to be honest I was quite suprised. I stumbled in on a clever and compelling film exceeding my expectations and not boring me instantly in may seat.

The story follows young doctor Alex struggling to get over the apparent murder of his loving wife Margot. On the eighth year anviersary of Margot’s death Alex recieves a mysterious email with a live link to a train station the chilling image of Margot fleeting past. As Alex begins to unravel the sticthing of a much darker secert all around him things begin to go horribly wrong as he founds himself being pursued by the law on trumped up charges of beating a mysterious group of cloak and dagger killers, while struggling to grapple around the dark life his Margot has lived and possibly is still living…In terms of pace this chugs along slowly to it’s Western genre counterparts yet is compelling enough to wacth to the end without loosing you’re attention. What also makes this stand out from it’s the Western thriller or action genre is the more cerbeal dialgoue take on the genre. You’re going to need to keep up with the torrent of subtitle but is deffinately worth doing so. However the actions scenes aren’t anything to shout about but tend to be clever and suitable to the skill set of docotor who chain smokes. Each character seems to have sutiable purpose in the script and none conforming to a stereotype without having a clever cerbeal outlook to the character, like the police detective obessed with energy conservation.

Overall this film is worth it’s two hour show time just come in with you’re brain engaged and a taste for some clever writing and humour and probaly some of the most inspirational and noble traits being expertly played out on the screen.



Nineties and Noughties retro ?

October 24, 2009

Ok this is the first tri-catergory post i’ve written so here goes….

As a geek in general and i’m mostly aware of anime and comics since the age I became aware of them. However both media products have a huge history going back before I could read or born (or as many created) so I enjoy have a little retro trip, however this week i’ve had it by the bucket. I know many believe retro has to be at least over two or four yars old so I think these count. On a brief tour of the libary before embarking on the long quest to go to the cinema since a French film to expand my mind into new realms of culture (and was pretty cerberal, a post for later ?), anyways as I search through all the graphic novels I found quite a nest egg called Onslaught the Epic book 2. Now my little retro knowledge on mid 90’s comics is their was huge change in characters which was rectonned and restored later on. I knew Onslaught was fusion of Magneteo and Xavier in a sense and was the most poweful character in Marvel history but it’s X-men and I tend to find their stories are overloaded with characters which seem more like clones after a while, however while flicking it over I was suprised to find the image of one of the mistakes Marvel like’s to forget Ben Reily or the Scarlett Spider. Basically during the 90’s editors bought back a one shot Spider-man story from the seventies in which Spidey was cloned and then seemningly killed off. However it turned out he was alive and well and had taken up the guise of the Scarlet Spider. Eventually it was revealed Peter was actually the clone was Ben. Peter somehow lost his powers and settled for farthhood with MJ and Ben became Spider-man. After looking for material including Ben for ages I enjoyed it despite the criticisms from harcore fans. I felt the whole ‘I’m the real Peter’ was a little soap operary, despite this I liked it. How both Ben and Peter works as a team and showed how different Peter is to his current form. In the 90’s he seemed older and more mature then now, curretnly he seems adoloscent thrown into a world way above him. Plus Bens costume is awesome. So really it wasn’t to bad, at least it was a sidekick gig…

BenReillyUnmaskedBen dyed his hair to stand out and adapted a new costume with the webshooter on front ( a little flaw but looks cool), and developed ‘impact webbing’ basically splattering on contact.

Anyway for Nougtiess retro I have two thing’s from my childhood. The first was this morrning whilst scouring the listings for another Friends repeat I was shocked to find Yu-gi-oh the movie was ITV1. Flicking other and after about five mintues a noticed an awful lot of censorhip and some cliche adult jokes which I didn’t noticed back when I was a little younger and naive. Suddenly I realsied how old I was actually was. This seemed so old and out dated to me, the day of the orignal franchise are long gone and the animation it starting to show the age of time..but still the retro vibe made me feel young again and optimistic about everything. Anyway as I write this i’m bought another Geeky slice of childhood. Star Wars Episode 1, which was probaly my biggest obession as a child, espeically rewinding certain scenes like when the invasion of Nabbo begins. Maybe not the best in the franchise but still funny and some great fight scenes acted out a million times with sticks.

Kame ha mea harldy noticed ?

October 18, 2009

Ok for those not into anime the title of the my blog refers to the hit anime Dragon Ball Z, which has conqured Manga,Anime and computer games capturing the interest of many child alike with bizzare story telling of good vs evil. As a kid I missed the show since I didn’t have sky and had to almost beg my friends to wacth the many repeats on sky or the orginal 295 episode run. Instead I feel into the many computer games spawned out falling in love with retro gameboy product Dragon Ball Z legacy of Goku 2

images 2Good old retro gameplay

So last year after seing Twilight as part of a family thing I found myself glancing at the posters trying to entice me to come back next year and boy did I find an enticement.


Taken off my phone in a hurry since it was cold and everyone wanted to go home but still it prompted me to head home and scour the internet to see if it wasn’t a dream. It was true a Dragon Ball Z live action movie. I waited patientally over the mounths waiting for the standard hype and rushing to see it…but it never came. After seing some fans inital dislike off the idea of it being Americainised I realised maybe their would be critic back lash. After glancing at Rotten tomatoes I realised maybe it was not that real recieved or well publicised. I barely heard a thing about it if not for that fateful glance at that poster. So I searched high and low for anyone to know about it, and came across two, one dimissed it at being Americainised and the other simply get on his high horse saying cartoons into live action never work look at Scobby doo (I don’t think he’s heard of Transformers….) . Either way me and my hardcore DBZ fan set out alone to see it one cold afternoon in Peterborough, after a hetic journey and lack of change we arrived stunned to find us and small group of tweens in the middle of the holidays despite the foyer being packed. So excitdely we glued ourselfs to screen and were not disapointed. It was one of the most imaginative and visually pleasing fims i’ve seen all year, the story captured the animes spirit despite a few holes and cliche devices.

So what I don’t understand despite the hardcore cos playing fans views is way no likes it or bothered to see it ?, i’m not particularly the biggest fan but I noticed the changes and rolled with it knowing the spirit of the anime was their. Plus the promo shots were great ( and one got me a merit for a magazine a designed) and really inspired me.

japon-poster-goku-traje-naranja 2 Could their BE a cooler pose ( or tackier Chandler gag ?). Plus it quietly slipt onto dvd, box office wise it was a sucess critically it wasn’t. However a hear a series is in the works so let’s hope more will get on board or I finish my course and use my P/R and Marketing skills to get people to hear about it…I say persoanlly screw the critics it’s was fun and imaginative, it’s time for people to life reality once in a while and embrace fantasy



Births and deaths

October 18, 2009

Cap_america_v4Ok this is the start of my new catergory Comics rants etc… . This is where were i’ll be writing comcis reviews and giving my opinion to those who are interested on everything spandex and speech bubbles. Ok my first rants start’s with deaths in comic books. As well all know deaths tend to be used a motivation for a hero or villian to set them on their costumed path. Yet sometimes a hero or villain which has played thier piece in terms of story tend to be struck off in all sorts of dramatic or harsh manner.

The most current example starts with of course the Dark Knight Batman, who even in his final major story arc he has his last theatrical laugh on everyone but eventually as it would seem passess away. I’m still waiting to see how it plays out so we’ll rant later.

However the biggest death which has left nearly everyone shocked is of course symbol of patriotism Captain America. Now I was steam rolled by the news but I accepted and realised maybe old Cap was a little tired and was finally loosing sales and didn’t fit in with the new age of anit hero. It was also a chance to show readers Marvel aren’t afriad to rock the boat once in while and usher in a new age of story telling. So I accepted it and read through the great story telling in the aftermath and looked forward to a new era of motivation for characters. Now I know it’s thing that no one stays dead in comic books but I felt this was something Marvel needed to stick by to show readers that Marvel aren’t stuck in 70’s quickly change everything back storytelling.

So when I glanced at Wikipedia I was slightly peeved to see Cap’s being bought back in all his glory. Ok I don’t hate Captain America, I think to be honest in terms of symbolism he’s one of Marvels best characters I just feel he’s the victim of lazy stroytelling, fanatics and sales revenue. Yes it was shocking and bold but after two years he’s bought back and all the great story telling surrouding his death was for nothing. Now i’d understand if this was part of a master plan like I think the Death of Superman was but you just can’t help feeling Marvel were just to scared to keep him dead.

However on the subject of rebirth i’m looking forward to the new line of story telling for Batman. It’s such a change all round with characters taking news roles in a new era. I can’t wait to see more of super brat Damian and see what Dick Grayson will be like as Robin and how all the other character slot in. After having a sneaky peak at some of the art work and stories it look’s Grant Morrisions strong story telling but with a darker camp feeling to it, which should be interesting to see since his run on the Batman and any title has been shown to be just amazing, Batman and Son and Resurection of Ra’s al Ghul had to be some of my favourite Batmans stories of all time so I can’t wait to add more to the list. Plus I can’t help wondering what would Damian and Batgirl be like with the Teen titans ?

See blogging can be positive and not to critical

I worked out how to change my blog photo !

October 18, 2009

Ok I know this’ll sound quite noobish (and how to change my font and colour) but this is a major step forward for me and terms of presentation will help disguise the fact their nothing really here it’s an illusion. Now to test the image trick: 114c509…Tada !, this a little thing I did using Gaia’s Tetek avatar design ( let’s try the link: ) which I edited again with Photoshop. It was suppsoed to be part of a bigger fanfiction but sadly it feel through the cracks and is hanging in limbo for now. But until he gets chosen for a bigger cause he can hang here and entertain anyone itnerested in my mundane ramlings…

The new banner

October 14, 2009

Ok after going through some old photos I found this old photo I did during the summmer. It really had no purpose so here it is. After a little tweaking and here we are. It’s an early start and will probaly change a lot over time. As you can see superheros is my theme, it’s a cross of Robin and Sci-fi laser weapon, more strangeness to come…you never know some odd fanfiction may come along or just some plain crazy rant.

The first impressions post

October 14, 2009

I know alot of people say first impressions count so let’s hope me and who ever is seriously bored to read my dull ramblings can get on well.

Well no real names just my alter ego Protagonist boy for now, i’m 17 attending Peterborough Regional College and studying Publishing and Journalism. This reason i’ve set this up is simply a tie-in for my digital comms class and try understand socail network communication a little more, however this’ll be more of a class project, i’ve long admired bloggers and didn’t think I was anywhere cool enough to write one (you may still think that by the end).

A little about me now, i’m a love writing, page design, photography and comic books. I would just love to fuse these together and get a job out of it (any offers ?) . I tend to read alot of the superhero genre but i’m currently expanding my reading list a little further. For page design it’s just something I did in part of GCSE Media Studies and enjoyed and thought ‘this could be a career direction ?’, i’m getting better and enjoy the challenge. (I know these out of order but that’s just my way of adding just chaos) For writing I tend to enjoy some journalistic writing but mostly creative. Photography it’s mostly abstract or an excuse to work on someones face in Photoshop (something i’m very careful about doing, just incase).

Ok over the next few weeks i’m going to get experimental with this, working with banners and fonts and see what I can do with this nifty little thing, be prepared for some ‘what were you thinking ?’ moments but bear with me, i’m what many call a ‘noob’ (but just cooler and okish at Halo), i’m going to be working on a banner eventually which’ll give me an excuse to work with Photoshop again.

Well let’s hope this’ll be a lasting impression..